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Planning your estate. For many this is a tough topic to broach but it

is an important one. And it is one most people should seriously look

at in three distinct stages in their lives—parenthood, middle age, and near retirement.

If you have a child or if you are 30 years or older, we recommend you have a will drawn up outlining your wishes should an injury, illness or accident bring on a premature death. You will want your child’s care, your finances and your end-of-life medical care determined by you and stated clearly—in writing—for your family, the doctors and the courts to follow.


For those who already have a will but have not reviewed it in 8 to 10 years, it may be a good idea to dust it off and see if it needs updating. Are there new assets to add or a change in beneficiaries? Have you moved from one state to another where jurisdictional rules have precedent, rendering your out-of-state document ineffective? Are your children no longer under the age of 18? So much can change in a seemingly short period of time. We get busy and forget about these important documents. As our lives significantly change, so too should these documents.


If you’re at or near retirement age, again, you will want to read and clarify an existing will or have another drawn up ensuring your pension, your property, and your beneficiaries are all aligned. It is additionally wise to reread your directives for personal medical care at this stage.

At Kleiner Feldman Plotkin we will work with you no

matter your age or circumstance to customize your

estate planning to fit your needs. This is your

opportunity to let your voice be heard so there is no

uncertainty as to your wishes upon your death.

In writing. Certified by the courts. For your family.


Once you’ve filed this paperwork, you will likely walk away

feeling as if a 10lb. weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

It is that liberating.


(202) 567-7603

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